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Russian gs-36B (4CX400A) tetrodes. lot of 7

Russian GS-36B (4CX400A) tetrodes. LOT OF 7
The GS-36B tetrode is designed for power amplification in distributed-gain amplifiers and single-sideband signal amplifiers at frequencies up to 75 MHz, and for power amplification at up to 500 MHz in RF equipment.
1 - grid; 2, 4, 6, 8 - cathode; 3, 7 - heater; 5 - no connection; C1 - grid 1; C2 - grid 2; A - anode; I - contact surfaces
Heater voltage (AC or DC), V
Mutual conductance (at anode voltage 1,000 V, grid 2 voltage 325 V, grid 1 voltage change 2.5 V, anode current 400 mA), mA/V
Anode current (at anode voltage 350 V, grid 2 voltage 325 V), mA, at least
Negative bias voltage (at anode voltage 1,000 V, grid 2 voltage 325 V, anode current 400 mA), V, (absolute value), at most
Negative cutoff voltage (at anode voltage 2,000 V, grid 2 voltage 325 V, anode current 20 mA), V (absolute value), at most
Output power under conditions of class AB1 (at anode voltage 2,000 V, grid 2 voltage 325 V, anode current at most 25 mA, grid 1 current 2x10-3 mA, frequency 0.1-1 MHz), W, at least
Output power under conditions of class (at 500 MHz, heater voltage 6.3 V, anode voltage 2,000 V, grid 2 voltage 325 V, anode current (DC component) 225 mA, grid 2 current (DC component) about 5 mA, grid 1 current (DC component) at most 0), W, at most
Relative level of combination components (at heater voltage 6.3 V, anode voltage 2,000 V, grid 2 voltage 325 V), dB, max.:
Standard power in the mode of single-sideband signal amplification with low non-linear distortion (at heater voltage 6.3 V, anode voltage 2,000 V, grid 2 voltage 250 V, negative bias voltage 16 V, quiescent anode current 200 mA, anode current (DC component) about 280 mA, grid 2 current (DC component) about 7 mA, grid 1 current not above 0, relative level of combination components -37 dB of 3rd order and -40 dB of 5th order), W
Output power under conditions of class AB1 over 1,000 h of service, W, at least
Negative grid 1 voltage (DC, absolute value), V
Cathode current (DC component) under conditions of class B, mA

Russian gs-36B (4CX400A) tetrodes. lot of 7