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Custom labels box of 800 (HL9)

Individually Numbered, Self-Adhesive
Advertise Your Company/Organization Logo,
Color Photo, Favorite Image or Clipart
on every Hello Label... in Color!
If you don't have a Favorite Clipart or Photo
Ask about our Large Clipart Resource.
We place your Artwork on your Custom Labels...
Also Great for Church Nurseries Day Cares
Anywhere you would find a need for Secure Check-In.
We also offer Already-Designed Artwork.
To view the complete Label Gallery, click and scroll through each
Quick Check-in Easy to Track Visitors Retain Records
Each label has an individual ID number.
So you can keep records of each visitor in one easy step.
date, name, company, phone number, email,
These 2-Part Labels include a larger adhesive
label to be placed on your visitor's lapel
plus an adhesive label that your company
representative retains for your records.
Or for Nurseries/Day Cares, place the larger adhesive label
on the child s back and have the parent or guardian retain
the second part to retrieve the child.
Labels come in Quantity of: 800,
Custom Numbering is Available Upon Request
Also ask about our Multi-Box Discount Pricing
Contact Us At: ****
HelloLabels provides everything
you need to start a secure visitor
Simple to use Affordable to implement
Also makes it easy for everyone to remember
Visitors names and their companies - no more
embarrassing moments forgetting names!
Easy-to-use, write-on, self-adhesive labels!
Please view the various labels shown here, and when you email us
with the details about your labels, identify which label to use as your base/start label.
Give us the code number under the label. eg: ( SAMCA2P 01 )
If you have any questions feel free to contact us. ****
Feel free to contact us by email 24/7
and we will promptly respond to you,
usually within one business day or sooner!
We look forward to hearing from you with
any design or numbering questions you have,
or to discuss any aspect of your order.
713 East Greenville Street, Suite D #192
Email: ****

Custom labels box of 800 (HL9)